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    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Time with friends and nokia 5800...

    Already you have known, I have got nokia 5800 from wom world for 2 weeks trial usage.

    I have passed a lot of time with this interesting device. Really its a nice device, today I bring it to my medical institute and have passed a very interesting time with friends by sharing the experience of nokia 5800.

    Now come to the center of the blog, what people are talking about the device??!!

    I have talked about the writing tools, games, video, net browsing and bloging.

    Starting from the writing tools, I get a diffarent types of comments from diffarent ones,
    1.alphanumeric: Interestinly most of my friends did not like the alphanumeric one, may be due to their regular usage and now people do not want to press twice or more for any letter. So form our conversation, alphanumeric got almost 0!

    2. Full qwerty: most of my net freak friends liked it very much. Not only them, I myself like it the most for texting and now using this tool for texting. One of my friends gave this writing tool a better complement ss it is better tool for texting than the qwert key pad ones, as its key areanis more than those and it requares a very little presure. For me, full marks goes to this tool.

    3. Mini qwerty: none showed any extra interest for this tool. I got, ok, fine, not bad kinda comments from them for this tool. Not get a better number for this!

    4. Here comes the last one (but not the least), its handwriting, for me which is nice but not that good like others. But I got some diffarent kinda comment from diffarent one, surprisingly most of them just liked it very much!! May be they didi it as the most innovative and interesting tool for touch device. It getd almost a 75% number.

    The next topic is games...
    Not very diffarent comment from diffarent one. Almost same, they all liked the games specially the motion games more than touch one. They liked touch games as well. But everyone liked the motion based rscing games the most. (I also like it the most).

    Now about video, everyone liked the vedio quality and they all said this linda touch devices are going to be the next media center not only for music but also for video. It supports mp4 formet and any blue ray or dvd when convert to this form really run nice in this device.

    Here comes the next topic net browsing and the last topic blogging!

    Everyone liked net browsing from here, they liked all the formets nokia original one, opera mini and opera mobile. But I personaly like opera mobile here, a complete net browser from mobile.

    Though none of my those friends were blogers, but all day said it is ra very bloging user friendly device.

    Now come to the main features, hows the touch interface (Im talking about touch interfase, not about the touch based symbian operating system), here most of the people did not like the device, as it is not very sensitive for pulp of the finger, rather, tip of the nail is much morw sensitive. My opinion is diffarent, with my 8 - 10 days usage I found it nice. Spme of my friends specially i phone users did not like the touch interfasen at all.

    Lastly we played with the camera, no doubt the 3.2 mega pixel camera is not the best for a this quality phone, they said, even the 2 mega pixel n series devices produce better photo than this. Everyone were saying their hope for a better camera in nokias latest touch device x6.

    With all the features puting in a line, Its a really ppwerful device aut has some lackings, if it would overcome those lackings, It would be the most ppwerful one among market.....

    Planing to write about diffarent net browsing software for nokia touch device and their advantages and disadvantage.

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