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    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Banglalink Internet :: Banglalink pre paid 'desh' internet packages

    Banglalink is the second largest mobile company in Bangladesh following Grameenphone. Though grameenphone is the pioneer mobile company for Mobile internet in Bangladesh, now a days Banglalink is giving importance in its internet service.

    But, where Grameen phone and robi (aktel) have different packages for mobile internet , there Banglalink has only 2 packages and those are call package specific!

    # Packages of Banglalink pre paid internet :

    P1 : on the go package
    It costs 0.02tk per kb and it doesn't require and monthly bundle money.
    You can use it in any packages of Banglalink prepaid - Desh, ek desh, ek desh ek rate, rongdhonu, desh rang!
    How to activate : write P1 & send to 3343

    P2 : unlimited internet for 15 days!
    Charge - 350tk/15 days
    How to activate : write P2 & send to 3343
    But the most irritating matter is, you can't use it in any prepaid call package, only desh users can use this!
    How funny! For me 'ek desh ek rate' package suites me, but if I want to use unlimited net, then I have to convert to the tradition old call rate package!
    But, GP doesn't have these kinda problems, one can use any prepaid packages in any call rate plan - Shohoj, Bondhu, Apon!
    What ever, there's no option for checking usage limit as Banglalink doesn't have any data limited service for prepaid!

    Settings in mobile:
    You have to save apn: blweb
    Settings in pc suite:

    Same apn have to be given : blweb

    You'll get Banglalink mobile internet where they've their mobile network.
    But you'll get EDGE service only at large cities!

    Published from my Nokia N82

    Sunday, June 6, 2010

    Facebook Bangladesh :: facebook is Reopened in Bangladesh!

    Facebook is the most popular social networking online media in Bangladesh! Almost 9lacks of people use facebook from Bangladesh.

    In 29th May evening, suddenly we couldn't able to use facebook from pc! 1st thought, may be some net speed problem! But after few hours it became clear to us by the daily star online and bdnews24.com - facebook was banned in Bangladesh!

    It was a massive shocking news to all of Bangladeshi net users! Initially it wasn't clear to us, whats the actual cause behind it, but then we understand, its because of some edited images of our national political leaders and due to some religious causes. one young man named Mahbub Alam Rodin who had 9 facebook accounts with different names and different addresses, was arrested due to making those images and spreading publicly at facebook.

    hmmm, people used facebook by using proxy servers and by opera mini application from mobile!

    What ever, most of the internet users stand against this decision and write in different media like blog , twitter and different forums.
    But, everyone also wanted a secure facebook so that none can do this type of occurence and make a bad impression of our country internationaly!

    What ever, main fact was that the ban was temporary and at yesterday mid night 12am 6th june govt reopened the most popular social networking website in Bangladesh after removing those illegal links from facebook.

    Now we should maintain some general rules in public online media as we maintain in real life, we should be concern of our morality and we shouldn't forget our own culture in internet media!

    More over, we should understand that, in online social media we everyone is the representative of our country.

    Hope, we will not experience any kind of BAN over online social media in future.

    Published from my Nokia N82

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