
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Grameenphone Internet : GP prepaid unlimited internet is back

Grameen Phone Internet – OK, at least it can be said it’s the most widespread internet service in Bangladesh (though still lack 3rd Generation – 3G services), but not bad regarding other services.
 Initially they had only 1 service for prepaid internet – that was – p1 pay as you go
Eventually they provided p2 (unlimited internet service) to prepaid which was initially present only at post paid services! Then GP came out with lots of different services like limited internet of 1GB & 3GB limit. Not only that they provided 1 day unlimited internet services and the recent addition is 15MB – mini pack internet service (Grameen Phone Internet: GP new mini internet package for prepaid!).

Beside these prepaid services they had unlimited night internet services for postpaid subscribers.
BUT!! After launching P5 & P6 they restricted the p2 (unlimited) service for prepaid users. So, if you are net freak, you had to move to post paid for proper internet services or move to Banglalink prepaid unlimited service which speed is not as good as GP!

And at last GP have understood the need of the subscribers of GP and restarted the unlimited service for prepaid again at 9-8-2010 .

That’s really great, as If you do a lots of things at internet – Net surfing, blogging, chatting, surfing at google earth, uploading lots of photos at facebook or twitter, online job - you can use this service – But remember about the fair usage policy of GP internet, if you are going to use P2P connection please read the GP agreements before using!

What to do – type p2 and send to 5000 and then confirm it by sending Y to same number.
Charge – Its better U recharge 1000Tk before doing process though it doesn’t require that much. (Exact money is 982.10Tk including VAT and 2 sms charge).
To know other GP services you can visit this blog – Grameenphone internet : GP pre paid internet packages

Thank you!