
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My new device – netbook PC!!! - HP mini :)

life is changing _ now-a-days everyone need a portable device in this busy life, But I didn't own one before. More over I had some kinda thinking that I'll take one portable computer after myMBBS studies, so last year when I bought a new PC – I didn't take any portable one, I was waiting for my ending of MBBS studies.

And at last its over, so I decided to take a portable device for me.

Initially I was confused between Laptop and netbook PC – but ultimately I took my decision for Netbook PC.

Why netbook??

simple answer, its light , its small moreover user friendly_ & I'm taking it not because of performance basically I need it for maintaining my blog and social networking and recently I've taken a decision to have a personal blog on a specific topics... still working on it, when it'll be completed I'll let you know!!

ok – its a HP mini!!!

technical details -

name – HP mini 110-3000
OS- Original windows 7 starter
Processor – Intel Atom 1.83 GHz
System Type – 32 Bit Operating system

I took it from BCS Computer city at this(2010) 1st September!!!

Its already one month I'm with it. And I'm happy with its performance.
I won't say its that fast, but not that slow as well, good for net browsing, social networking, blogging! More over its charge backup is nice, One day I used 4 and a half hours continuously and remaining charge was 52% - and at that time I used Net and watched one HD movies.

OK... I'm informing at my blog late – but I mentioned at my twitter at that day and also published a post at prothom alo blog (community bangla blog)....

You can check my tweet here and my bangla post here....

Thank you.. have a nice day!!!!