
Monday, August 23, 2010

Location based tweet : How to share geotagged / location aware tweet at twitter via Nokia

Now a days, Twitter is giving more importance in location based tweet.  And due to built in GPS services at Mobile phones it has become very easy. There are lots of Nokia application out there for this kind of geotagged tweet. But gravity and twibble is the popular ones.

How To Do::

1st you have to change some setting at twitter :
Log in twitter -> settings -> account -> Mark the Add a location to your tweets
Now download gravity or twibble to your symbian Nokia device

Gravity GPS settings :

Start Gravity -> Options -> Tools -> GPS to clipboard (wait until the moving button at bottom become off)
-> now during writing tweet  press the up button (in non touch phone) or press the GPS (touch phone) and wait until it become yellow or green.

Twibble GPS settings:

Start twibble -> refresh the time line (it happens automatically, if you don’t change the settings) -> menu -> Location -> Start GPS (Now wait until it get GPS connection) when it’ll get GPS connection it’ll show GPS at the topmost bar and during writing tweet the exact location is shown at top bar) -> tweet now it’ll be automatically Geotagged now)

How a geotagged tweet looks like::

It looks like normal tweet but there will be a location logo just below the tweet  and when one will click the button it’ll start a mini Google map there and the location from where the tweet is been shared.

Simply, one geo tagged tweet can say lot more words than a non geotagged tweet!!

Here is one of my geotagged tweet which I shared from Bashudhara city(largest shopping mall of Bangladesh)
Geotagged Tweet
  you can follow me at twitter @n_h_sarja