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    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Facebook Bangladesh : Bangladesh is deprived of facebook sms and zero facebook

    Facebook is the most popular social networking website in Bangladesh and according to alexa facebook is the 2nd popular website in Bangladesh. Even its more popular than some very popular website like yahoo.com and google.com.bd .

    But facebook do not give proper importance to Bangladesh in terms of their mobile services.

    It was started from facebook sms service, most of the south Asian countries have the chance to update their facebook status by sending sms; they get their notification directly to their mobile by sms, but this service is not available in Bangladesh.

    We started a facebook group - We want facebook SMS service in Bangladesh!! to show facebook Bangladeshi users demand to start facebook sms service in Bangladesh.

    We want facebook SMS service & 0.facebook.com in Bangladesh!!

    Facebook sms hasn't statrted in Bangladesh yet now.

    Moreover we are deprived of the new facebook mobile service - zero facebook !!!

    some information about zero facebook:

    zero facebook

    zero facebook – 0.facebook.com is the new mobile website for facebook where you can use facebook without any cost – absolutely free. Means you don't have to pay your service provider to update your status or to comment any link or status or to like them. Its similar to the normal mobile faacebook just it doesn't have the photo service, you can't watch any photo from this site. You'll get more information from here.

    Sad but true, Bangladesh isn't listed for zero facebook!!!

    Today we've changed our previous group name from We want facebook SMS service in Bangladesh!! to We want facebook SMS service & 0.facebook.com in Bangladesh!!

    if you want to support us and want these services in Bangladesh, join this group (& request your friends) and write to facebook to start these services in Bangladesh.

    Some comparison between other countries in terms of facebook popularity:

    as I've mentioned initially that facebook is the second popular website in Bangladesh , In India its the 4th popular website and in Pakistan and Srilanka its in third position.

    Don't understand after having extreme popularity in Bangladesh why facebook don't give the same importance what they give to other south Asian countries!!!!
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