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    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Congratulation to Musa Ibrahim : 1st Bangladeshi to conquer Mount Everest

    Its the 1st time when the red and green flag is flying in the top most area of the world. Its by the young man Musa Ibrahim, he has scaled Mount everest for the 1st time as a Bangladeshi. He haven't returned to Bangladesh yet, The whole Bangladesh is waiting for the Hero.

    All the people of every sector of Bangladesh is congratulating this hero. Though there is a little controversy present in some community blogs of Bangladesh, but all will be normal after the International recognition of this activity and according to the national media, the international recognition need one week time.
    But, All the authorities and the travel company has ensured the news of his reaching at top of the Mount Everest.

    I'm congratulating Musa Ibrahim as the first one who conquer the Mount Everest. 
    Musa Ibrahim - Before starting journey - from Prothom Alo
    Hope new young generation will be encouraged by this activity and come out to take Bangladesh to a new height.

    All the people of every sector of Bangladesh is congratulating this hero. Though there is a little controversy present in some community blogs of Bangladesh, but all will be normal after the International recognition of this activity and according to the national media, the international recognition need one week time.
    But, All the authorities and the travel company has ensured the news of his reaching at top of the Mount Everest.

    I'm congratulating Musa Ibrahim as the first one who conquer the Mount Everest. 
    Musa Ibrahim - Before starting journey - from Prothom Alo
    Hope new young generation will be encouraged by this activity and come out to take Bangladesh to a new height.
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