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    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    Show magic with Slax~~~~ :-)


    I was finding a portable Operating system for few days, at last I get slax!!!
    Its a portable and small operating system for any PC (which can boot from removable drive)!!!
    Its relay fast, even in slow PC. Its based on KDE, and by different modules one can increase the functions...

    Language setup-
    It has all the normal local language set up. I set Bangla and set Provat for my keyboard, working great.

    To change fonts-
    its very easy, just right click the font and click install! (You can set your favourate Unicode based font)

    Web browser-
    for web browser it has Firefox. (nothing to explain about Firefox...)

    You can show magic very easily to people who do not know about this OS, you can even play any mkv (HD) files to a PC which windows doesn't have codec(require DivX player) to play those files with slax....

    Even you can save DATA from a seriously virus infected PC without having any virus...

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