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    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    Blogging on the go - next blogging friendly devices!!!

    Now a days,due to development of cell phones and mobile internet, blogging become very easier.

    Net books are becoming more and more popular than laptops, because, easy to carry and easy to use anywhere with a longer backup charge!!

    And the smart phones as black berry, iphone, windows mobiles, android phones, symbian all are net specific... Even the java based phones due to opera mini is becoming more and more net friendly.....

    Recently, mobile providers are making phones with quartary key pad more as these phones are not only phones for talk rather devices to connecting by phone call, sms, email, social networks, blogs ......

    So, i think, next devices for blogging is cell phones....
    Even now, nokia e series phones are great for blogging and n series as well.

    I am making these blog from my N82...

    Not only english, I can maintain my bangla blog from n82 using indisms software (a phonetic based bangla & local indian language unicode typing software for symbian phones).

    Photo upload is easy...

    As I can upload photo directly to photobucket from my phone and then take the html code to post at blog...

    Life has become more fast....

    So,many bloggers dont get enough time to spent infront of desktop rather home....
    So, its easier to blog during a break frome smart phones....
    And,people wana share any important matter soon at their blog,its easier due to these net based or net specific cell phones! :-)

    So, I think, the next blogging friendly devices are the net specific cell phones.....

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