
Thursday, April 29, 2010

after using wifi for the 1st time in Bangladesh.

Its the 1st time I have used wifi in Bangladesh. But not the 1st time I detected wifi network from my wifi device -Nokia N82.

I get wifi network even at our roof, but sometimes the reception is poor enough to establish the connection, sometimes its connected but no data transfers took place.

For me wifi has become nothing but to get the network only. I got wifi network even in my medical college, but that was a protected network.

Different of wifi networks are available in gulshan 1 and 2 but i couldn't get connection with those even to the public wifi s.

You've get it, my wifi history isn't very good. In the starting of this weak I've gone to Grameenphone customer care of Gulshan 1 to take sim card of my mom which was lost in the previous day.

Grameenphone customer care was busy as always. I've understood I've to wait for 10 - 15 minutes. So, decided to update the status in facebook and to tweet about some topics.

But, before doing that, I checked the wifi network again and my Nokia recognised 3 wifi network, one of that was protected. I selected one open network, and for the 1st time that was working.

Logged in to twitter through my mobile browser and tweeted about wifi using. 1st I thought, it may be any kinda service of grameenphone customer care, but one of my friend of twitter made it clear, I wasn't any service of grameenphone, rather it was the free wifi network of coffee world.

So, I enjoyed a lot at the waiting time with my 1st ever active wifi usage, and the speed was fast as well.

Hope, wifi will be much popular in Bangladesh in near future. :-)

Published from my Nokia N82

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