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    Friday, March 12, 2010

    Scratchpad for nokia 5800 ....

    Before getting nokia 5800 in hand from womworld, I wrote about scratchpad. What a software!! Wow, any one can replace a pen and noteboke with nokia touch screen phone having scratchpad.

    First I am explaining about scratchpad:
    Its a java based touch enabled application free of cost which is a 3rd party application made for writing by stulus in any nokia touch enabled phone. The concept is great and the build and features of the software is great as well.

    All those I thought before getting the device from womworld nokia. Sad but true I did not find this application that effective. Some times it can not recognise the touch of the stylus, some times iys just very slow. It would be a great tool for the touch enabled devices, if the developer of scratchpad develops it and make it more touch friendly and sensitive.

    I want to mention that nokia's own handwriting recognition tool is adequately touch sensitive and fast, if scratchpad can be made this level of touch sensitive thats enough from an users point of view.

    Hope we will get this kind of innovative touch softwares from nokia developers in near future.

    Thank you.
    (this post is published from nokia 5800)

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