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    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    Planing to have diffarent blog for diffarent topics.....

    Now I have several blogs, but all the blogs are running in a same tract, but I take this blog as my main blog. I like to blog in diffarent topics. I blog for mobile phones specially nokia mobiles, diffarent features and functions of mobile phones. I blog for open source operating system mainly for linux operating system-ubuntu, slax. Like to spread linux to other people.

    I blog for social networking systems.. For twitter and facebook.

    Not only the tech ones , but also I blog for medical related topics specially diseases related and surgery related topics alng with ECG.

    I blog for my country and I share the historical moments of Bangladesh.

    And I at last but not the least, I blog about my journry of life.....

    So, now I am planning to have diffarent blogspot blog on diffarent relevent topics....

    But I shall put all the updates and informations at this blog......

    Thank you. May be I will do this after my final mbbs examination.....
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