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    Monday, March 29, 2010

    Banglalink pre-paid Internet vs Grameen phone pre-paid internet!

    Banglalink Internet, initially it was only present in post paid connection, but, for about one year its present both in pre paid and post paid connection.

    As a pre paid Banglalink subscriber, I use unlimited Banglalink pre paid connection.

    Grameen phone is the pioneer in mobile internet in Bangladesh. They provide various types prepaid internet service.

    But, now both company provide average internet service, here I'm comparing between these two mobile internet service provider.

    Here is the comparison between Grameen phone prepaid internet & Banglalink prepaid internet:

    1. 'unlimited internet' :

    Grameen phone doesn't have this service, if you are someone who have to go for lots of download, who has a rapid share account - obviously he can't go for 3GB limited internet.

    Here, Banglalink has the solution - they provide unlimited internet in prepaid connection.

    2. 'Value':

    Where Postpaid grameen phone value is 850tk monthly, there banglalink provides this service for 650tk monthly.
    Here, using banglalink is better than grameen phone.

    3. 'limited internet service':

    If you are some one who doesn't go for lots of download, but, you have to browse a lot and always need internet where ever you go and you don't want to give lots of money for internet. Then, you have to go for limited internet service.

    Here is no choice for you, as this service is present only in grameen phone prepaid internet. You can you 1gb or 3gb according to your need. But, if you use banglalink, you can not go for that kind of service.

    *but one thing to remember*
    Value of 3gb limited internet is more than Banglalink's unlimited one!

    4. 'speed':

    Hey, everyone knows about it, grameen phone is better than banglalink in this field. But, banglalink isn't bad as well. You can read my previous blog regardind banglalink internet.

    5. 'freedom of selecting call rate plan':

    Grameen phone provides this service, but banglalink doesn't. You must be a desh subscriber to use it!

    Sent from my Nokia phone

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