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    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    'Aktel' has become 'Robi'

    The 3rd largest mobile company of bangladesh Aktel, which was initially backed by a TM company ltd is then sold to axiata but was going with its own previous name aktel, has now changed its name and logo. From Aktel it has become Robi.
    Robi has different pre paid and post paid call rate and various pre paid and post paid internet services.
    Hope, it'll come out with different new effective services, specially the most said 3G.
    Certainly Bangladesh mobile market has come out with different quick changes, starting from grameen phone's new call rate, then same kind of offer from Banglalink and now a new look of Aktel as Robi. And everyone is waiting for the next big change when warid will become Airtel Bangla. Everyone is expecting some new better services from the new Airtel and Robi in terms of call rate and internet.

    Photobucket  has become Photobucket

    Published from my Nokia phone
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