
Friday, February 26, 2010

For any medical student its a pleasure to assist any Operation!

Some of my friends got the chance before me, but I get my 1st chance at 5th year!

When I was in second final ward placement in surgery, out BIRDEM Surgery Unit 1 - Dr.Noor a alam (Jahir sir) askd if anyone is interested to take wash for an prolapsed iliostomy surgery!!

I and one of my friend was interested and later both of us assisted that operation with Jahir sir and Mahmud sir(he was our reg sir)!

It was my first time, I enjoyed a lot as I just love surgery! At that operation we did an resection anastomosis of small gut... But before starting the operation, our surgery departmental head Prof.Humayun Kabir Chowdhury came and explaind the operation plan!

Then the next two operation I assisted is at this month (feb 10); at the time of my surgery block posting!!

In block posting, I was in unit 2 of birdem surgery (Prof. Abdullah sir, Asst. Prof. Shomiron sir, Reg. Dr. Shabnam madam)!

One day at OT, there was a case of CA stomach and sir took plan for a total gastrectomy with roux en y oesophago jejunostomy! Just 2 days back, I studied this procedure with full of interest from ... . Abdullah sir asked us to explain the roux en y procedure with drawing diagragm! I did that, then he asked if I am interested to take wash for the operation! I was very happy and took the wash!

Roux en Y operation was a realy lengthy operation! Full BIRDEM Surgery unit 2 took part in this operation, Prof. Abdullah sir, Shomiron sir, Reg. Dr. Shabnam madam , CA Dr. Tanvir and me(mainly for retraction and specialy to watch the operation clearly)!

It was an OT of 6 hours! What ever the length of the operation, as I have said I love surgery so I enjoyed a lot! And that operation was full of drama! Cause the spleen was enlarged and due to minor injury spleenectomy was done!

And the last ot I assisted is yesterday again with full unit 1 setup! This was rectal carcinoma and anterior resection was the operation! This operation make my interest much more than before for surgery!!

I am waiting for that day, when I will start assisting at cardiac surgery!! :-D